About AutoDraw

AutoDraw – this is the Flaticon editor, where you can’t draw badly because the drawings are replaced by icons (drawn in advance by artists). They have already drawn over 1000+ icons.
AutoDraw is based on QuickDraw, where AI guessed: what did the user draw? Dan Motzenbecker and Kyle Phillips and their friends at Google Creative Lab created the project. According to them, AutoDraw is the result of AI and artists.
There’s nothing to download. There’s nothing to pay for. And it works everywhere: smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop. Plus, it’s fast.

Tools and features

  • First, the selection tool. Note: it works only for whole objects, you can’t select a part of a drawing
  • The drawing tool is AutoDraw. You just need to draw and the AI will select 50+ variants of smooth and beautiful icons to replace them. Note: there are only 1-10 suitable ones, all others may not fit the theme
  • Draw, also a drawing tool that doesn’t use AI. The site is only smoothing it out a bit. Note: you can change the brush size
  • A common text manipulation tool. Note: you can use different fonts and sizes.
  • Fill tool. Note: it doesn’t work for text
  • You can use ready-made shapes. There are only 3 of them (circle, square, triangle).
  • There is zoom, but it is not convenient
  • You can undo an action or delete an object
  • There are canvases of 3 formats to choose from (horizontal (for PC), square, and vertical (for phone)).
  • With drawings/icons and text it is possible to perform operations on: color replacement (32 in total), rotation/transfer, and size change.

Examples of works AutoDraw

Who needs AutoDraw and why

AutoDraw is useful for:

  • Students (for example: to make a layout of a future project)
  • Freelancers or those who make logos/Flaticon
  • Also for your own use (to make a postcard or a letter with icons).

Keyboard Shortcuts

Bottom line

The project is under development and it is not possible to give an exact estimate yet. What we can say for sure is that the quality of icons is very good. However, it is not always possible to find what you are looking for. But the developers promise to improve and supplement the site.