The most accurate translator in the world - DeepL

DeepL – The Most Accurate AI Translator in the World

Google Translator is convenient, fast, familiar, but not always of high quality. Often Google Translator does not understand the context, does not take into account the nuances.

By the way, even before the AI era, there were several professional services for machine translation of text. Today, these projects use artificial intelligence technologies. One of them is the DeepL.

DeepL positions itself as the most accurate translator in the world. And this project has every reason to make such loud claims.

The superiority of DeepL

Who would have thought it? The engine driving the machine translation industry was not a giant like Google, Amazon or Microsoft, but a small German startup launched in 2017.

His superiority has been proven in numerous regular independent tests and confirmed by numerous awards. Today, its algorithms are even more advanced. DeepL can accurately and efficiently translate texts of any complexity, including highly specialized professional texts: scientific, medical, legal, etc.

The superiority of DeepL has been proven in numerous regular independent tests and confirmed by many awards.


DeepL translator

Actually the main tool. It is available both online and in the desktop version for PC or in the app for mobile devices.

Supports 30 languages:

Chinese, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Danish, Estonian, Czech, Danish, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Dutch, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

Supports voice text input for translation. The feature is available for 4 languages: English, German, French and Spanish.

Software product available:

  • Online
  • Desktop versions: Windows, Mac
  • Mobile apps: Android, iPad/iPhone
  • As an extension for browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge
  • Microsoft 365 office suites (MS Word), Google WorkSpace

DeepL Wright Tool – AI based text editor

  • Corrects grammatical errors and punctuation.
  • Can automatically rephrase sentences, paragraphs, or entire text.
  • Can Change the stylistics of the text.
  • Offers alternatives for words, phrases, and sentences.

Document Translation Tool

Translates Word, Power Point and PDF files, including large documents. Preserves the original formatting and allows you to edit and customize the translation.

Documents Translation Tool with DeepL

All functions (10+)

Web page translation

A feature familiar to Chrome browser users with the built-in ability to translate entire web pages. You need to install the browser extension or the desktop program Deepl.

Web-page Translator Tool

Email translation

This feature is no different from the previous item, if it weren’t for one “but”! The built-in tool DeepL allows you not only to read emails in another language, but also to write an email in your native/original language and immediately receive a translation into any other language.

Translate messages in chat rooms

Browser extensions or desktop version of the program DeepL allows you to translate messages in chat rooms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber and others. The same function will make communication barrier-free in Messenger, Discord, etc.

communication in instant messengers in any language

Real-time voice translation

DeepL translates conversations (voice speech) in real time using mobile apps. Ideal for talking with friends and colleagues or communicating while traveling.

Translate text from screenshots and images

The Windows app has the ability to translate screenshots. The program recognizes foreign text in the area of the screenshot, transliterates it into printed text and displays the recognized original and translation through the application window DeepL. This is a useful tool for documents that do not have text selection mode or have text selection protection. Besides, it is very convenient in case of translation of the program interface made in an unfamiliar language.

Translation style

Not only dry, formal language, as in Google Translator, but also informal, conversational, including the use of slang. Available for the 8 most popular languages: German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian and Polish.

Formal or Informal tone of text translation

Translation personalization (glossary)

A tool for professionals or for obtaining professional translations in a highly specialized subject or unique style. Provides the ability to create your own glossary including word combinations, customized translation rules.

Built-in dictionary

Online dictionary is available for any text on any device, document or website. Includes instant translation, correct sound, example usage.

DeepL Dictionary


A feature that complements all previous features of DeepL. Offers the user not only additional variants of words (synonyms), but can also paraphrase word combinations and whole sentences.

API and integration with CAT programs

All tools of DeepL are available for businesses and developers to automate processes related to machine translation in one way or another.

Free Usage and Plans

Free version

Includes basic tools and functions, has rather strict limitations. First of all, the amount of text to be translated is severely limited.

DeepL Pro

3 tariff plans for private use. The price starts at 7.49 Euros per month if you pay for a year – this is the minimum price tag available on the Starter tariff. Like the free plan, Starter is somewhat limited in its features. Advanced and Ultimate tariff plans allow you to use DeepL without limitations.
You can test the functions of the paid DeepL Pro tariff thanks to the free test period.
In addition to the above, DeepL offers tariff packages for developers and for business, which include several licenses.

DeepL Pro


Comparing its product with competitors, DeepL cites similar developments from Microsoft, Amazon and Google. What DeepL doesn’t do on its website pages is compare its translator to Reverso.
Reverso probably does an even better job of translation. What’s for sure: it has a nicer interface.

Read on our website:
Reverso AI translator review

P.S. By the way, this article was translated into English with the help of DeepL. And if the text seems poor quality to you, it is not the fault of the software product, but rather the copywriter’s flaw.